<![CDATA[Explore Iberia]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/blogRSS for NodeThu, 02 May 2024 01:02:29 GMT<![CDATA[Your sustainable travels make a difference!]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/your-sustainable-travels-make-a-difference65b11d71f701228978b831e3Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:30:18 GMTExplore IberiaYou travel, we donate! Since 2019, when traveling with Explore Iberia, you are directly contributing to a nature conservation or cultural project or association/NGO

Birdwatching Minho

Inspiring travelers to live and experience unique moments, designing fully tailored and more sustainable travels, has been our mission. At Explore Iberia, we are dedicated to promoting responsible tourism practices daily to ensure a positive impact on the environment, local communities, and cultural heritage in the destinations where we operate. Our commitment to sustainability is an integral part of our core values, and we strive to set an example in the tourism industry. Throughout the year, we organize various actions with local communities and in the natural areas where we work, and everyone is welcome to join!

In 2024, your sustainable travels support "El Naturalista Cojo"

Since 2019, your travels have directly contributed to a nature conservation or cultural project or association/NGO. How? Explore Iberia donates between €2 to €10 per person from all the trips and tours it organizes. Why? We operate in low-density destinations where all kinds of support, not just financial, make a difference in the projects being carried out.

Logo el Naturalista Cojo

El Naturalista Cojo is a non-profit project dedicated to nature preservation and environmental education in the Minho River estuary. Their work plays a crucial role in preserving biodiversity and raising awareness about the importance of nature in this international estuary.

The person behind "El Naturalista Cojo" is Manuel Sobrino Senra, a self-taught naturalist, blogger, and amateur photographer "without barriers." His observations and discoveries about wildlife in the Minho River estuary are shared with enthusiasm, establishing him as a committed advocate for nature conservation and biodiversity.

<![CDATA[As tuas viagens sustentáveis fazem a diferença! ]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/viagens_sustentaveis65b1005ca21b5437acd06d07Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:20:23 GMTExplore IberiaTu viajas, nós doamos! Desde 2019 que ao viajar com a Explore Iberia está a contribuir diretamente para um projeto ou Associação/ONG de conservação da natureza, ou cultural.

Birdwatching Minho

Inspirar os viajantes a viver e experienciar momentos únicos, desenhando viagens mais sustentáveis totalmente à medida, tem sido a nossa missão. Na Explore Iberia, dedicamo-nos diariamente a promover práticas turísticas responsáveis para assegurar um impacto positivo no ambiente, nas comunidades locais e no património cultural dos destinos em que trabalhamos. O nosso compromisso com a sustentabilidade é parte integrante dos nossos valores fundamentais, e esforçamo-nos por ser um exemplo na indústria do turismo. Ao longo do ano são muitas as ações que promovemos junto das comunidades locais e nas áreas naturais em que trabalhamos, nas quais todos são bem vindos!

Em 2024 as tuas viagens sustentáveis apoiam o "El Naturalista Cojo"

Desde 2019 que as tuas viagens contribuem diretamente para um projeto ou Associação/ONG de conservação da natureza, ou cultural. Como? A Explore Iberia doa entre 2€ a 10€ por pessoa de todas as viagens e tours que realiza. Porquê? Trabalhamos em destinos de baixa densidade onde todas as ajudas, não apenas as financeiras, fazem a diferença nos projetos aí dinamizados.

Logo el Naturalista Cojo

O El Naturalista Cojo é um projeto sem fins lucrativos dedicado à preservação da natureza e à promoção da educação ambiental no estuário do rio Minho. O seu trabalho desempenha um papel fundamental na preservação da biodiversidade e na sensibilização para a importância da natureza neste estuário internacional.

A pessoa por trás do "El Naturalista Cojo" é Manuel Sobrino Senra, um naturalista autodidata, bloguer e fotógrafo amador "sem barreiras". As suas observações e descobertas sobre a vida selvagem no estuário do rio Minho, são partilhadas com entusiasmo, consolidando-o como um defensor comprometido da conservação da natureza e da biodiversidade.

<![CDATA[Randonnée au Portugal ? Que souhaitez-vous savoir]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/randonn%C3%A9e-au-portugal-que-souhaitez-vous-savoir6461fcab4b7aa3be38a56224Mon, 15 May 2023 09:38:16 GMTExplore IberiaLa diversité des paysages, la douceur du climat, une histoire et une culture très riches ne sont que quelques-unes des nombreuses bonnes raisons pour lesquelles la randonnée au Portugal devrait figurer sur votre liste de choses à faire. Ce pays fascinant et varié peut enchanter à peu près tout le monde et est particulièrement intéressant si vous aimez faire de la randonnée. Cependant, ce que nous allons expliquer peut également être d'une grande importance pour ceux qui aiment combiner des joyaux culturels avec une touche de nature. Autrement dit, si vous ne voulez pas vous perdre dans la vaste beauté naturelle qui vous entoure.

La randonnée dans cette destination unique en son genre est très différente de la randonnée dans plusieurs autres pays européens. Le système de sentiers est unique et peut prendre un certain temps pour s'y habituer, c'est pourquoi nous aimons vous informer avant de vous lancer dans votre aventure portugaise.

Qu'est-ce qui rend le système de sentiers portugais différent ?

Le réseau de sentiers n'est géré que localement et non au niveau national, ce qui rend souvent difficile le partage de toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour votre voyage, car il peut couvrir plusieurs domaines. Il peut être plus compliqué d'obtenir l'itinéraire, les cartes et de connaître l'état de l'itinéraire. Mais pas de soucis, nous avons ce qu'il vous faut !

Il va sans dire que notre guide pourrait vous accompagner, ce qui serait le moyen le plus efficace et le plus simple de ne pas se perdre dans la nature portugaise ;-). Mais, si vous préférez vous lancer seul, vous voudrez peut-être envisager de suivre les étapes utiles.

10 étapes utiles à suivre lors de la planification d'une randonnée au Portugal

1. Réfléchissez à ce qu'est un nombre raisonnable de kilomètres pour marcher en une journée.

2. Choisissez une région qui correspond à votre niveau d'expérience : plat le long de la côte, modéré dans les collines ou difficile dans les montagnes ? Ou un mélange de tout ?

3. Trouvez le ou les offices de tourisme locaux.

4. Confirmez le statut du sentier de randonnée à l'office de tourisme local pour chaque sentier.

5. Assurez-vous de savoir à quoi ressemblent les balises pour votre sentier spécifique. Nous avons inclus un aperçu des balises pour les itinéraires longue et courte distance (au bas de cet article pour vous.

6. Téléchargez le tracé sur votre GPS ou votre téléphone portable.

7. Vérifiez les prévisions météorologiques pour la région.

8. Lorsque vous faites de la randonnée à distance dans les montagnes ou les forêts, assurez-vous que quelqu'un sait que vous êtes en randonnée et donnez-lui vos coordonnées. Prenez les leurs aussi, ainsi que les numéros d'urgence locaux. C'est toujours une bonne idée de donner également à quelqu'un une estimation de l'heure à laquelle vous prévoyez de retourner dans le monde civilisé (par exemple, l'hôtel où vous séjournez).

9. En été, vérifiez le niveau de risque d'incendie avant de commencer votre randonnée.

10. Dernier point mais non le moindre : lors de randonnées dans des zones protégées, assurez-vous de respecter le code de conduite local de cette zone spécifique.

Lors de la réservation de vacances guidées ou autoguidées avec nous, nous vérifierons bien sûr le sentier pour vous. Pour chaque séjour de randonnée sur mesure au Portugal et aux Açores que nous créons, nous fournissons un carnet de route entièrement sur mesure avec des notes d'itinéraire, des cartes, des traces GPS, une assistance téléphonique 7j/7 et plusieurs trucs et astuces. Des transferts depuis/vers votre point de départ, des pique-niques, d'autres activités et services peuvent également être organisés par Explore Iberia. Et, nous savons aussi où trouver différents types d'hébergements authentiques pour tous les goûts.

Alors, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez plus d'informations. Nous sommes toujours plus qu'heureux d'aider.

<![CDATA[5 dicas para planear uma viagem mais responsável?]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/5-dicas-para-planear-uma-viagem-mais-respons%C3%A1vel628ba938ad6798de50d3d763Mon, 23 May 2022 16:04:47 GMTExplore IberiaEstá a planear a sua próxima viagem? Uma viagem de lazer, negócios, férias, aventura, caminhadas no Parque Nacional, tenha em mente que viajar com responsabilidade tem a ver com a atitude que tomamos. Escolher uma viagem mais sustentável parece ser complicado, mas ao planear passo a passo, vemos que viajar com responsabilidade pode realmente ser fascinante.

Então, como planear uma viagem mais responsável? 5 dicas para o ajudar a planear!

Evite viagens na época alta: muitos destinos registam um aumento maciço de visitantes durante determinados meses, causando um impacto negativo significativo nas comunidades locais, na natureza e na própria experiência. Ao viajar noutras épocas do ano, a sua viagem será mais especial e proporcionará mais benefícios para as comunidades locais.

Fique mais tempo: antes de escolher o avião pense se não haverá outro meio de transporte alternativo para o seu destino. Procure sempre aumentar o seu tempo de estadia para minimizar a sua pegada de carbono. Não precisa ter menos dias de viagem — basta pensar em como os usa.

Selecione as suas estadias: escolha a dedo os seus alojamentos. Verifique se seguem práticas sustentáveis ​​padrão e/ou se vão além nos seus esforços para retribuir ao meio ambiente e à comunidade local.

Escolha empresas locais: empresas, hotéis, restaurantes, guias e outros serviços, que ajudam a criar um impacto positivo. Tenha preferência por empresas com certificações de sustentabilidade.

Selecione um operador de turístico comprometido com a sustentabilidade: selecione um negócio comprometido com práticas de turismo sustentável para reduzir o seu impacto negativo, com foco na criação de benefícios para as comunidades locais, protegendo o meio ambiente através de projetos de conservação e bem-estar animal.

<![CDATA[How to prepare your trip to Portugal?]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/how-to-prepare-your-trip-to-portugal628b9efa38389efeaf0eac63Mon, 23 May 2022 15:14:47 GMTExplore IberiaAre you planning your upcoming trip to Portugal or the Azores Islands? It may be leisure travel, business, vacation, adventure, hiking at the National Park, keep in mind that responsible travel is about the attitude you take.

Being a responsible traveler seems overwhelming at first, but if you break it down one by one, traveling responsibly can actually be fascinating.

So, how can you plan a more responsible trip?

Avoid peak-season travel: many destinations see a massive spike in visitors during certain months, having a significant impact on local communities, the environment, and experience. By visiting at alternative times of year, you will experience a more special travel and provide many benefits for local communities.

Stay longer: It is better to do fewer, longer trips to curb your travel emissions. You do not need to have fewer travel days – just think about how you use them.

Select your stays: handpick places to stay that follow standard sustainable practices and that go beyond in their efforts to give back to the environment and the local community

Choose local businesses: Locally owned businesses, hotels, restaurants, guides and other services help create a positive impact. Choose businesses with the sustainable travel labels.

Select a sustainable tour operator: select a business committed with sustainable tourism practices to reduce their negative impact, with focus on creating benefits for local communities, protecting the environment by means of conservation projects and animal welfare.

<![CDATA[Como reduzir o uso de plástico descartável nas suas férias]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/como-reduzir-o-uso-de-pl%C3%A1stico-descart%C3%A1vel-nas-suas-f%C3%A9rias62612b82bef20d4338395701Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:20:10 GMTExplore IberiaOs impactos do uso de plástico descartável são crescentes e preocupantes. Quando viajamos, o seu uso deverá ser também uma responsabilidade nossa. Muitos serviços e destinos, não tem implementados sistemas de gestão de resíduos eficiente, ou muitas vezes são até inexistentes. Assim a maioria do nosso plástico descartável acaba nas ruas ou nos oceanos. A mensagem principal da redução do plástico de uso único é procurar evitar, reutilizar e a reciclar.

5 maneiras de reduzir o plástico descartável

Lembre-se de que cada pequeno esforço ajuda e que cada medida terá um impacto.

1. Traga a sua própria garrafa de água reutilizável

2. Use um filtro de água onde não pode beber água da torneira

3. Diga não às palhinhas

4. Não beba das garrafas de plástico gratuitas oferecidas no tour ou no hotel

5. Leve os seus frascos de shampoo de casa e leve-os de volta!

Boas férias, faça a diferença!

<![CDATA[COMO ESCOLHER AS BOTAS DE MONTANHA]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/como-escolher-o-melhor-cal%C3%A7ado-para-caminhar625d7736934b7bf64a6bc5c3Mon, 18 Apr 2022 14:46:41 GMTExplore IberiaEscolher o calçado de caminhada certo é um processo de combinação. Esta é provavelmente a peça de equipamento mais importante que compramos. As botas dos seus sonhos precisam estar sincronizadas com o tipo de trilhos que faz. Antes de dar o nó, no entanto, tem que ter a certeza que são a combinação perfeita. Há vários aspetos a ter em conta, da sola à membrana impermeável por isso deixamos algumas notas para o ajudar a escolher.

relax slow travel portugal

Tipos: Há uma variedade incrível calçado, de sapatilhas ultraleves, mais usadas para trail a, botas de montanha.

Componentes: É importante entender um pouco mais sobre a sola que pretende e a membrana de proteção, impermeabilidade, assim como outras partes de uma bota pode ajudá-lo a refinar a sua seleção.

Ajuste: Conforto e bem-estar do pé em primeiro lugar. Uma bota larga ou apertada pode causar problemas indesejados.

Caminho de Santiago

Que tipo de caminhadas costuma fazer? Curtas, longas? Em que tipo de terrenos? Com pedra solta, terra batida, à beira mar? Analise a sua atividade antes de escolher.

Sapatilhas de montanha leves e baixas são ideais para muitas atividades, como abordagens, caminhadas rápidas e caminhadas diurnas fáceis. No entanto, ao carregar uma mochila mais pesada em terrenos acidentados e irregulares, faz sentido usar algo que ofereça mais suporte, como uma bota de cano médio ou alto. O desempenho em solo técnico também é algo a se considerar, principalmente se planeia escalar via ferratas. Na montanha, queremos botas ou sapatilhas de montanha que sejam confortáveis ​​para longas distâncias e que protejam os pés.Precisam ser duráveis, à prova de água e leves. De modo geral, recomendamos que escolha o calçado mais leve e confortável possível, com o suporte e estabilidade necessários para o estilo de caminhada ou trekking e o terreno que tem em mente. O mais importante de tudo, seja qual for a opção que escolher, o seu calçado precisa de encaixar perfeitamente.

calçado caminhadas

Existem basicamente dois tipos de materiais: sintético e couro.

Os materiais sintéticos que em alguns casos possuem membranas como gore-tex ou thinsulate, que lhe conferem leveza, com tem a desvantagem de ser menos durável que o couro, mas não requer manutenção. No segundo tipo de material, o couro, teremos uma bota muito durável mas precisa de manutenção ao longo do tempo. Tem sido tradicionalmente o material usado na montanha com grande aceitação, costuma ser um pouco mais pesado que os outros, mas com mais resistência.

<![CDATA[Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/parque-nacional-da-peneda-ger%C3%AAs625d744b4f6b837800deafbaMon, 18 Apr 2022 14:34:00 GMTExplore IberiaA Norte de Portugal encontramos a joia da coroa das áreas protegidas, o Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês. Este é, até hoje, o único do país e é uma das maiores áreas classificadas, que se estende entre o Planalto de Castro Laboreiro e o Planalto da Mourela. São cerca de 70.000ha de montanhas, rios e vales, com particularidades culturais e valores naturais únicos.

Dos vales glaciares aos bosques milenares, à zonas rurais, são muitos os ecossistemas aqui presentes. Cabe a todos a conservação e proteção de toda a variedade de formas de vida e de vivências deste Parque.

A serra da Peneda, Soajo e a serra do Gerês são as zonas montanhosas mais conhecidas, com relevos e características geológicas muito distintas, separadas pela serra Amarela. As principais bacias hidrográficas do Minho, como o caso do rio Cávado e Lima, passam por aqui, alimentadas pela complexa rede de cursos de água.

Nas matas do Ramiscal, de Albergaria, do Cabril e Beredo encontramos bosques únicos em Portugal, que albergam uma incrível biodiversidade.

Espécies como o lobo ibérico, a águia real e a cabra-montês, são alguns exemplos da fauna selvagem ameaçada que encontra refúgio no PNPG. Já na flora, entre várias espécies , destaque para um endemismo ibérico apenas presente na serra do Gerês, o Lírio do Gerês.

Lírio do Gerês

O rico património histórico-cultural está presente por todo o Parque Nacional. Monumentos funerários megalíticos, pontes romanas, calçadas medievais, castelos, espigueiros, fornos comunitários, moinhos de água, levadas, socalcos, brandas e inverneiras de tempos de transumância, ermidas, fojos, silhas, as marcas da presença humana nestas serras perdem-se no tempo. E esta relação entre o homem e a natureza que torna único o Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês, um destino que não via querer deixar de explorar.

<![CDATA[A coastal hike in Viana do Castelo]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/a-coastal-hike-in-northern-portugal6093fafd513cc20016923cfbThu, 06 May 2021 14:37:03 GMTExplore IberiaPortugal is full of cultural gems everywhere but it is here in Northern Portugal that you will find tons of intriguing history, covered by colorful, endemic fauna and flora. Let the smell of Atlantic Ocean accompany you as you encounter one surprise after the other.

In between the enchanting town of Viana do Castelo and the ancient fortress of Paço, known locally as Forte do Paço, lays the recently classified Geopark of the Viana do Castelo. Within this protected area a biodiversity station stretches along a coastal trail with several, remarkable points of interest, all tucked away safely from the crowds. This special area of conservation forms part of the Natura 2000 network.

The Montedor cliff geosite is a Natural Monument which helps us understand how the granite rocks, part of the mountain system closer to the sea, were formed. The Montedor lighthouse dates from 1908-1910 and can be visited on certain days and times. The view from the top is well-worth the climb.

Closer to the ocean a mysterious, more or less flat composition of granite rocks tells another story, one of manual salt production which dates all the way back to the Iron Age. These rocks are located just above the high-tide line in order to avoid flooding when the tide is at its highest point.

Just a few steps away you will encounter rock engravings, some of which resemble a stellar design. They are also testimony of human presence in the Late Bronze Age. With the right sunlight also small rock murals are visible.

Around the corner along another ancient path, authentic wooden wind mills greet you. One of them is still in use as its owner keeps using it for grinding grain.

And last but not least, let’s not forget the amazing Forte do Paço, one of several fortresses along this coast. They were put in place to protect the country and its people against pirates and others with wicked intentions. King D. Pedro gave the order to build the forts in strategic locations in the late 17th and beginning of the 18th century. The Forte do Paço is classified as a Public interest Monument.

On top of that, all these cultural gems are surrounded by colorful flowers, pristine beaches, and a clear blue ocean as far as you can see. Needless to point out that birds love this place and fish thrive in the water. Several, unique plant species grow along the cracks on the coastal granite cliffs, such as the endemic Armeria genus and a variety of shrubs. A blanket of heather and gorse forms the finishing touch.

Although it is not an extensive route, there is much to explore. In the spring, the Atlantic forest gives a special touch to the landscape, filling it with life and color.

It is an easy trail, suitable for the whole family.

<![CDATA[Why visit Peneda Gerês National Park?]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/why-visit-peneda-ger%C3%AAs-national-park607ee74bb3c503005732d3acMon, 19 Apr 2021 23:00:00 GMTExplore IberiaThere are many natural gems to be found in this region but the absolute highlight is Peneda Gerês National Park, an extremely varied destination by itself, where you can easily spend your entire holiday.

In summer, crowds of international tourists flock to the beaches in the Algarve, while locals travel to the pristine northern part of Portugal. This area allows you to combine it all in one holiday. Nature, culture, gastronomy, adventure and time to relax? All is possible here!

Peneda-Gerês National Park

Between the plateau of Castro Laboreiro and the plateau of Mourela a vast and beautiful, classified area is waiting to be explored. Valleys, mountains and rivers are home to various ecosystems. The Serra da Peneda and the Serra do Gerês are the most well-known mountain chains. They have distinct geological characteristics and are divided from each other by the Serra Amarela, the Yellow Mountain range. The main hydrographic basin of the Minho river, which is fed by a complex network of water ways, further defines the special character of this region. In Ramiscal, Albergaria, Cabril and Beredo truly unique forests are home to an incredible biodiversity.

Animals such as the Iberian wolf, the golden eagle and the mountain goat are examples of threatened wildlife which luckily find refuge in the PNPG (Parque National do Peneda-Gerês).

As for local flora, you can also encounter a variety of endemic species. The highlight is an Iberian endemism which can only be found in the Gerês Mountains, called the Lírio do Gerês.

On top of that, a rich historical and cultural heritage is present throughout the National Park. Megalithic, commemorative monuments, Roman bridges, medieval sidewalks, castles, granite granaries, community ovens, water mills, levadas, terraces, remains of transhumance, hermitages, shrines and ancient wolf traps, are just a few examples.

Everywhere you go in these mountains you encounter the marks of human presence. They take you right back to ancient times, making a holiday in Peneda-Gerês not only a trip full of gorgeous landscapes but also a mysterious voyage back in time.

The relationship between mankind and nature makes Peneda-Gerês National Park a very authentic and fascinating place which should actually be on everyone’s bucket list. Though, it may be better not to shout it from the rooftops. A secret can only be enjoyed to the fullest when it stays a secret to the masses, so pack your backpack quietly and be there before the word gets out ;-).

There are so many hiking trails along gorgeous landscapes and interesting man-made structures that it may be hard to choose which ones you will take during your holiday. We can help you plan. What about staying in your own traditional, rural house? Or a picnic lunch with tasty and fresh local produce? Maybe a canyoning adventure in between hiking days? 24/7 support by locals? A local guide to accompany you?

Don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help. We will be more than happy to assist.

Have a great day,


<![CDATA[Three cool spring hikes in Northern Portugal]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/three-cool-spring-hikes-in-northern-portugal6065f3691c48500015885f88Thu, 01 Apr 2021 17:36:41 GMTExplore IberiaSpring has arrived in Portugal, mother nature is painting her colorful masterpiece once again! This is a very exciting time of year. Step outside and immerse yourself in this new natural world. Did you know that Northern Portugal, spring and hiking holidays are a match made in heaven? Here is why.

The northern part of the country is an extremely varied region. From granite mountains to the pristine beaches along the Atlantic Ocean, from famous UNESCO world heritage sites to well-hidden cultural reminders of ancient times and from the refreshing Vinho Verde wine to the famous Port wine, this area is full of sweet surprises!

Choosing which trails to take can be difficult. Especially because you may be limited in time, and you do not want to return home to find out that you missed those coolest hiking spots. That is why, we will let you in on our favorite trails which are well-worth considering if you plan on visiting Northern Portugal in spring time.

1. Peneda-Gerês NP: Águia do Sarilhão Trail

Peneda-Gerês National Park is the crown jewel of all protected areas in Portugal and can be found in the northern corner of the country. No less than 70 000 hectares are filled with mountains, rivers, an intriguing culture, centenary old shepherd trails and an amazing natural scenery. As spring sets in, an explosion of colors appears in the mountains of this National Park.

Wild flowers, such as heath flowers and gorse, create a spectacular mosaic which contrasts nicely with the blue water of the Vilarinho da Furna reservoir. This trail in the Mata de Albergaria, one of the signature landscapes of Peneda-Gerês NP, definitely could not be left out of our selection of cool spring walks. In addition to the landscape, this route has a very strong historical-cultural component. Part of the route runs along the old Roman road, known as the Geira Romana, which was built to connect Astorga in the north of Spain with what we now know as the city of Braga in Portugal. Down on the other side of the reservoir lies the village of Vilarinho da Furna.

Part of the trail takes you along a few steep sections which require some attention.

Type of trail: circular hike

Distance: 9 km or about 5,6 miles

Duration: +/- 3h

Total climbing: 372 meters or about 1220 ft up and down

Altitude: min. 570 meters / max 691 meters or min 1870 ft / max 2267 ft

2. Geopark Viana do Castelo: Forte do Paço Trail

The coast of Northern Portugal is less explored by international tourists than the famous southern beaches in the Algarve region. However, locals tend to vacation in the northern part of their country during summer months as they love this pristine region just as much as we do. Therefor spring is absolutely perfect to beat the local crowds and to discover the laid-back lifestyle, ancient forts and authentic fishermen’s villages, dotted along the stunning coastline. We recommend the Forte do Paço trail to all types of travelers.

Let’s go and smell the ocean! In the recently classified Geopark at the Coast of the Viana do Castelo province runs a trail where a pleasant ocean breeze will accompany you during your walk. The Montedor Lighthouse, rock engravings, millinery beaches and Iron Ageage salt extraction basins are just some beautiful discoveries you will make on this route. Although it is not an extensive trail, there is a lot to explore. In spring, the Atlantic forest gives a special touch to the landscape, causing an explosion of life and colors. This trail is suitable for the whole family.

Type of trail: circular hike

Distance: 4 km or about 5,6 miles

Duration: +/- 1h30

Total climbing: + 77 meters or about 250 ft up and down

Altitude: min. 0 meters / max 70 meters or min 0 ft / max 230 ft

3. Alvão Natural Park: Fisgas do Ermelo Trail

The Alvão Natural Park is still a great unknown to many, making it a true hidden gem. It lays inland, not far from the remarkable UNESCO World Heritage Douro Valley. Aside from authentic villages and mountain landscapes, this natural park hides several spots that are well-worth discovering. We have selected a more challenging but very rewarding hike in this natural park.

spring hiking portugal

The Fisgas do Ermelo trail takes you to impressive waterfalls, surrounded by a unique landscape. And, in between admiring some amazing views, why not take a refreshing plunge in small ponds along the way which embrace crystal clear waters? Access to this hiking trail, which starts in the village of Ermelo, should preferably be done by Mondim de Basto.

This is a trail with some difficulty due to the unevenness and type of soil, which can sometimes be slippery. However, the extraordinary beauty of the landscape helps to overcome any difficulty.

Type of trail: circular

Distance: 12,4 km or about 7 miles

Duration: +/- 4h30

Total climbing: 652 meters or about 2140 ft

Altitude: min. 327 meters / max 771 meters or min 1070 ft / max 2530 ft

Of course, we know many more magnificent trails. All depends on the distance you would like to walk, your level of experience and what you prefer to focus on, such as for example endemic plants, nature photography, bird spotting or any other specific interest. Don’t hesitate to let us know. We are always happy to advice and create a personalized itinerary according to your preferences.


<![CDATA[Good practices when hiking in Portugal]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/good-practices-when-hiking-in-portugal6054efa78bcbd7002bcbe905Fri, 19 Mar 2021 18:42:04 GMTExplore IberiaThe details of each code of conduct may vary from country to country and even from area to area. But it always consists of several common guidelines which allow us to interact in a respectful way with the beautiful area we visit. The code prevents us from unknowingly causing any harm to it.

That is why we have created an easy overview for you of the most important guidelines which are put into effect to protect Portugal’s natural gems. These good practices make sure that we know how to travel in a responsible way, considering also the local population and your own safety.

Hiker Good practices

  • Respect the local laws, local inhabitants, their way of life and their traditions.

  • Help safeguard the natural resources.

  • Try to avoid single use plastic and make sure to take your garbage with you or place them in the proper bins.

  • Keep a safe distance from animals and never feed them. Always try to observe but not disturb wild animals. It is equally important for them, as for you, to keep them from approaching humans.

  • In protected areas there may be designated eating grounds available. Make sure to know where they are before starting your hike. If you like to cook, do it in the designated areas.

  • Camp only in authorized sites

  • Watch out for cattle, especially when they have younglings. When driving through protected areas, such as on the small, curvy roads in Peneda-Gerês National Park, drive slowly since cattle or wild horses may roam free and cross the road. They do not know about our traffic rules and they will always expect you to stop and let them pass first.

  • Try not to make too much noise, especially not in proximity of wildlife or areas known for reproduction and shelter.

  • Always close the gate behind you when crossing private property and make sure you have permission from the owner to cross the property.

  • Only take photographs: do not collect plants, mushrooms or other things you find in nature. You may disturb the ecosystem. Allow for other visitors to also enjoy nature’s beautiful spots.

  • Stay on the trail. Walking off-trail can cause erosion as well as destruction of vegetation. It is also important to follow the signaled paths in order not to get lost.

  • Do not make any fire. Use flashlights for light and bring suitable clothing for warmth.

  • When you encounter any irregularities, or an injured animal, contact the local authorities, or the contact person mentioned in your route notes, if you booked your holiday with us.

  • Environmental accidents or violations encountered must be immediately communicated to SOS Ambiente e Territorio (SOS Environment and Territory).

  • Obtain information about the specific guidelines for the area you will be visiting.

  • Enjoy local accommodation options, try traditional products and taste local gastronomy.

  • Have fun!

In case you would like more information about this blog or hiking in Portugal, do not hesitate to contact us at info@exploreiberia.com

<![CDATA[Hiking in Portugal, what to pack?]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/hiking-in-portugal-what-to-pack6054f11699464d001569871aMon, 15 Mar 2021 18:53:25 GMTExplore IberiaThese days, many of us have been bitten by the hiking bug, more often than ever before. Many have turned to mother nature in these exceptional times, which is why you may now be in perfect shape for your (first) hiking holiday!

But, what should you consider packing for such a holiday?

What you want to take with you on a hiking trip depends on various factors.

  • First there is the climate at your destination, season and weather forecast to consider: will you be traveling to the mountains or the coast? In summer or in winter time? To the North or the South of Portugal?

  • Secondly, it all depends on what type of hike you will be making: a one-day hike or a multiple day hiking holiday? Along easy trails with villages on the way? Or, will you be facing more challenging paths in remote areas?

  • Thirdly, the size of your backpack will greatly differ depending on your choice of accommodation along the way: will you be camping or staying overnight in a more comfortable hotel?

  • And last but not least, it is important to decide if you want to carry your complete luggage when going on a multiple day hike or if you prefer to make circular hikes which take you back to your starting point. If not, you can also opt for arranged luggage transfers between stages from one hotel to the next. That way you can hike from A tot B to C and only carry a day pack.

In general, the following check-list can be useful. Always try to travel as light as possible. Especially when you are planning a multiple day hike, you will want to limit the weight as much as you can, without leaving any important stuff out. First there is the question of what to wear during this type of holiday.

What to wear?

Do not worry, there will be no fashion police and you don’t need to be a fashionista to go hiking. However, this a very important item on the list. Always make sure to take appropriate clothing and shoes for your specific hiking plans. No matter which season you travel in or where you are going, it is always a good idea to dress in layers when you plan a hike.

  1. Top layers

  2. Pants

  3. Jackets

  4. Shoes

All dressed? Let’s have a look at what you may want to put in your day pack.

Useful items to put into your day pack:

  1. Enough water and food/snacks for the whole day. Even if there are restaurants or bars along the trail this is a good idea because nobody ever plans to get lost. Also, you may drink more than you expected due the heat or you could be more hungry than normal because of the exercise. It is important to stay hydrated and to eat before you get really hungry.

  2. A refillable water bottle.

  3. Something to put your garbage in so that you can take it with you if there is no bin.

  4. An extra pair of socks in case your feet do get wet

  5. Sun tan lotion and/or mosquito spray

  6. A first aid medical kit and enough bandages for blisters, scratches,…

  7. A map (when available), compass and GPS tracks

  8. Phone numbers of local authorities and of the local contact person mentioned in your route notes, when booking your holiday with us.

  9. Emergency phone number 112

  10. An extra battery and charger for your phone, camera…

  11. A dry bag to protect your electronics

  12. Flash-light

  13. Towel and bathing suit

  14. Compass

  15. A hat against the sun or a scarf or buff when you expect cold wind


<![CDATA[Hiking in Portugal? What you need to know]]>https://www.exploreiberia.pt/post/hiking-in-portugal-what-you-need-to-know602814f6c031960017fd8262Fri, 12 Mar 2021 18:20:20 GMTExplore IberiaThe diversity of landscapes, the mild climate, a very rich history and culture are just a few of many great reasons why hiking in Portugal should be on your bucket list. This fascinating and varied country can enchant just about anyone and is especially interesting if you like to hike. However, what we are about to explain can also be of great importance to those who like to combine cultural gems with just a touch of nature. That is, if you do not want to get lost in the vast natural beauty around you.

Hiking in this one-of-a-kind destination is very different from hiking in several other European countries. The trail system is unique and may take some getting used to, which is why we like to inform you before setting out on your Portuguese adventure.

What makes the Portuguese trail system different?

The trail system is only managed locally and not on a national level, which often makes it difficult to share all information you need for your trip, as it may cover several areas. It can be more complicated to obtain the route, maps and to know the status of the route. But no worries, we’ve got you covered!

It goes without saying that our guide could accompany you, which would be the most effective and the easiest way not to get lost in the Portuguese outdoors ;-). But, if you prefer to set out on your own, you will want to consider following, useful steps.

10 useful steps to follow when planning a hike in Portugal

1. Think about what is a reasonable amount of km or miles for you to walk in a day.

2. Choose a region which fits your experience level: flat along the coast, moderate in the hills or challenging in the mountains? Or a mixture of all?

3. Find the local tourism office(s).

4. Confirm the hiking trail status at the local tourism office for every trail.

5. Make sure you know what the trail markers look like for your specific trail. We have included an overview of the trail markers for long and short distance routes (at the bottom of this article for you.

6. Download the track to your GPS or mobile phone.

7. Check the weather forecast for the area.

8. When hiking remotely in the mountains or forests, make sure somebody knows you are out hiking and give them your contact details. Take theirs too, as well as the local emergency numbers. It is always a good idea to also give someone an estimate of the time by which you expect to return to the civilized world (e.g. the hotel where you are staying).

9. In summer check the fire risk level before you start your hike.

10. Last but not least: when hiking in protected areas make sure to respect the local code of conduct of that specific area. We have made an overview for you of the most common, general guidelines in our blog Good practices when hiking in Portugal

If you like more information about what to pack for your day trip or hiking holiday, please read our blog Hiking in Portugal, what to pack?

When booking a guided or self-guided holiday with us, we will of course check the trail for you. For every tailor-made hiking holiday in Portugal and Azores which we create, we provide a completely custom-made roadbook with route notes, maps, GPS tracks, 7/7 phone assistance, and several tips and tricks. Transfers to/from your starting point, picnic lunches, other activities and services can be arranged by Explore Iberia as well. And, we also know where to find different types of authentic accommodation to suit everyone’s taste.

So, do not hesitate to contact us in case you would like more information. We are always more than happy to assist.

